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welcome program

Catch the Fire! is a one day workshop that provides basic information about the League in a way that is fun and faith-filled. Aimed at all women of faith, both CWL members and non-members (yet!), the course is organized into modules that bolster sisterhood, encourage reflection, discuss challenges and develop leadership.


The success of Catch the Fire! has led to the further development of the program. S'mores Development Days delve deeper into the operations of the organization and discusses strategies to run a Parish League effectively. The flexibility of S'mores Development Days allows the modules to be presented individually at a regular meeting, or together as a full day workshop.


How to host a workshop:
  • Consider joining with one or more other CWL councils. We can provide the workshop for groups from 12 to 120.

  • Choose 2 - 3 ideal dates (ideally about 2 months in advance). Use the contact form below to confirm availability. We can typically be available most Saturdays (except long weekends/holidays and dates that conflict with diocesan and other CWL events). Once a date is confirmed, we will post here with your contact information, since all women (members/non-members and those from other parishes) are invited to attend.

  • Book a facility. The all-day workshops run approximately 6 hours, plus setup/clean up. Ideally, there would be ample parking, a sound system and projector screen. If possible, we like to set up and test A/V the evening prior to the workshop. 

  • Plan for a simple lunch, and perhaps a morning snack (muffins & fruit) and wrapped candies for the afternoon. Tea & coffee is most appreciated.

  • Prepare for and accept registrations. A template is available upon request. The registration fee should cover the cost of the facility, food, photocopying, and any facilitator travel expenses - typically $10 is adequate. (National may have funding available. Click here to apply.) A note about travel - for trips longer than an hour, we prefer to arrive the evening before, but are happy to be billeted with a hosting member.

  • Promote your workshop. Advertise with posters, announcements at mass, in the bulletin, etc. Provide personal invitations to your council and women in your parish.

  • Prepare for the workshop by making photocopies of the provided resources, organizing volunteers for setup/clean up.

  • We will do the rest!

contact us to host your workshop today!

Email *

Name *



Proposed Date(s)


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